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Can You Login Into Kiosk Using Qr Reader? Updated FREE

Can You Login Into Kiosk Using Qr Reader?

Drupal Kiosk makes it easy to build online content management systems that collaborate with objects in the real world. A combination of QR code scanning, URL blueprint filtering (for safety reasons), a congenital-in browser, and persistent in app authentication, turns any iOS device into an information kiosk or data entry tool for your Drupal CMS.

The app interacts with your Drupal website using standard QR codes that encode URL's for your website.

The built-in browser makes it easy to repeatedly interact with objects: when you are done with a particular object you lot can simply close the built-in browser to return to the scanner mode (in contrast with other QR scanning apps that require you to reopen the scanner app). Together with the persistent authentication, this means that y'all only need to browse a code to start an interaction.

Drupal Kiosk combines the ability of the highly customizable Drupal platform and iOS devices and enables people with varying skill levels to build complex user- or content management systems that can exist interacted with rapidly.

How Drupal Kiosk works

The application has 2 main screens:

  • Scanner screen
  • Browser screen

The scanner screen shows a photographic camera stream that is searching for readable QR codes that encode URLs. After a successful QR Lawmaking scan the app evaluates if it's possible or immune to open the given URL and if then, forwards the user to the browser screen and loads the encoded spider web folio.

There are several settings in addition to the basic functionalities.


Flip camera

Allows the user to select which camera (rear or front) to use to scan QR codes.

Screen lock

Allows the user to prepare a passphrase for locking the settings panel. This allows Drupal Kiosk to be used in public places without having to exist worried well-nigh unauthorized setting changes. In one case the unlock passphrase was provided, the settings tin exist changed for 30 seconds.

URL Filter

This allows users to control what kind of URLs the app should accept. The filter is an expression that the app will search for in the URL. The user volition only be forwarded to the web folio if the expression is found in the URL.

URL URL Filter Result
http://drupal.org/node/1 drupal Accustomed
http://drupal.org/node/one (empty) ACCEPTED
http://drupal.org/node/1 http://google.com REJECTED
http://drupal.org/node/one user REJECTED

User authentication

By logging in, users can perform tasks on their Drupal site as authenticated users. This allows users to take reward of Drupal'southward possibilities. For hallmark the Drupal site needs to take the Services module installed, later on the following inputs are needed:

  • Site URL
  • Name of the Services endpoint
  • Username
  • Countersign

Testing Drupal Kiosk

Installation and setup

Install the application and gear up your environment every bit follows:

  • URL filter: drupalkiosk
  • Examination site URL: http://drupalkiosk.pronovix.cyberspace
  • Test site Services endpoint: drupalkiosk
  • Test site username: Editor
  • Screen lock: qwe

To help our work please leave the switch for collecting anonymous usage statistics on, and if you would like to contribute even more, enter your email address.

Scanning QR codes

Scan the following QR code that encodes http://google.com

Notation that Drupal Kiosk will reject the QR image, because the encoded URL doesn't match the URL filter.

Next, scan the following QR code that encodes "QRKiosk Drupal"

Annotation that Drupal Kiosk will reject this QR image too, because it doesn't encode a URL.

Finally, scan the following QR code that encodes http://drupalkiosk.pronovix.net/node/add/democontenttype:

Note that Drupal Kiosk accepts this URL and opens it in a browser.
Besides note the webpage says you are non authorized to access information technology.
Tap on login and annotation the username is prefilled equally: Editor.
Enter the password "editor" to the password expanse and tap on the Ok push button.
You lot are at present logged in and have the privilege to create a bones article. Write your article and salvage it. When you're finished, don't forget to tap on the "I similar Drupal Kiosk" button.

Changing the settings

The users of Drupal Kiosk can change all settings whatsoever time while the app is running or fifty-fifty when it'due south inactive from the Settings menu. This makes information technology possible to

  • change screen lock countersign
  • switch between authenticated users
  • switch between several Services endpoints of a site
  • switch between Drupal sites

Important: Don't alter the name of the Services endpoint of the site url while a user is logged in. Always make sure you're logged out before irresolute these settings.

Can You Login Into Kiosk Using Qr Reader?


Source: https://pronovix.com/drupal-kiosk

Posted by: kellykint1967.blogspot.com

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